perjantai 30. syyskuuta 2022

Classics Reading challenge 2022 (only in English)

I know, it is Septemper, but I faund this funny reading challenge a week ago and I am sure, that I will manage to read 12 classics during 3 months. If I don't manage, I will use those books, I have read before in this year. 

So 12 books. That sounds funny. I am quite sure, I have read more than those two classics books, that I have used in this blog before (31.1. and 30.7.)
5. A vintage girl’s novel 

1. A classic book that’s getting made into a movie or TV show (or has been recently adapted) J. M. Barrie Peter Pan

2. A book by Charlotta Brontë The Profesor. Sometimes I like it a lot, sometimes not. 

3. An unfinished classic  J. R. R. Tolkien The Children of Hurin, finnished by his son Christopher. ❤️

4. An adventure novel Tove Jansson is very famous author with her Moomies. Moominsommer Madness (1954) was New for me. I read this in middsommer. 

5. A vintage girl novel. Anni Swan is famous Finnish author, who wrote girl novels, that we love. Book of Family Antell ant their moving to Australia was new for me. I read this in August. I read later one novel in English if I have time. 

6. A classic by an African-American author. The only one over 50 year book that suits here and has been translated in Finnish is Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye. So I read it and I liked the book. 

7. An ancient text 

8. A classic with an antihero or antiheroine Charles Dickens Mugby jungtion

9.  A book by an Inkling Dorothy L. Sayers Strong Poison, 1930. I have read before only one detective story of Sayers. It was Whoose body? I like it, but then I forgot whole Sayers. Now I read also 2 more Sayers after Strong Poison. And during October also C. S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters 

10. A French novel Victor Hugo Les Misérables and Simone de Beauvoir Les Inséparebles (2020), it seems, that this is not translated in English yet, I read it in Finnish.

11. A gothic or horror novel (or collection of short stories) Horace Walpole The Cactle of Orlanto

12. A play Samuel Beckett Godot. I like plays. This too. 


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