maanantai 16. toukokuuta 2022

April in islands (in English)

War in Ukraine disturbed a little bit my travel in the islands, but after all I visited some islands.I Read 8 books from Ukraine and several Finnish books too. Maybe it is easier to read books about islands, when the weather is warm and nice. We had very cold spring.

Picture is from my home town in late May, not April.
Venice (Italy) Donna Leon Falling in Love. Donna Leon's Venice is my favourite city of murders. I always enjoy to read her books. I hope, that I could one day read those also in Italian, but those are not allowed to translate in Italian, so, I read those in Finnish. 

Island near Hollywood USA. Alfred Hitchcock The Three Investigators in the mystery of Wrecklers' Rock. When I was a child, in our school library there was not 3 Investigators books. I faund them when I was 15. I have read book or two when I need a break of hardcore books. Now I have read a lot about Ukraine History and that is hard to read. So 3 Investigators is good for a while. 

Salomon islands Heikki Hietala Tulagi Hotel. When I was teenager, one of my favourite TV programs was Bye-Bye Black Bird. Heikki Hietala's book feels like it tells living after that TV-serial. In my mind Jack McGuire could have been one of those pilots. I think this is the first book ever that is written by Finnish author and published first in English and after that in Finnish. I am eager to wait his second book. 

Gotland (Swerige) Katarina Mazzetti's books about Karlssons' cousins are kind of Enid Blyton's The Famous Five. One of Karlssons is young master chef from France, the other live in Sweden. So, the food is even better than in Famous Five books (lol). For me those are books like Tree Investigators, good books to get a better mood after sad books. Vikings and Vampires are not translated in English. 

Only 4 books and 4 islands. 
Salomon Islands is new country for me. 

Kirja joka maasta ja kunnasta -projektit

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